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Exciting changes for Nationwide Super are coming soon

The mantra of the Nationwide Super team has always been to make super as simple as possible for our members. That means we’re always looking for ways to help you take control of your super savings, in an industry that is constantly evolving and changing as a result of things like government policy and regulations.

While offering products and tools that help you achieve the best possible retirement outcomes is our ultimate goal, we’re also striving to deliver them with the highest level of personalised service and care.

To help us take the next steps in delivering these goals for you, the Trustee of Nationwide Super has entered into an alliance with Russell Investments.

What this will mean for you

The changes that will have the most exciting benefits for you include paying less in fees, having access to a much wider range of investment options, and an improved suite of tools and services (including a real time mobile app), to better manage your super savings.

What won’t be changing is our commitment to providing you with the high level of service and support you’ve come to expect at every step of the way towards your retirement goals.

As always, we’ll be in touch along the way as we finalise what the details of these changes and benefits mean to you.

We’re looking forward to the next steps, and taking you along for the ride.