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3 Key Tips for Starting a New Small Business

Thinking of starting a small business? Venturing into the small business arena is exciting but sometimes overwhelming for newbies. Follow these 3 tips if you’re eager to learn how to turn your passion into a reality.

Start with a business plan

Everyone has that rosy image of what their dream business looks like. While a vision or goal is an excellent starting point, transcribing ideas into a tangible roadmap or business plan will provide the foundation for how you want to structure your business and plan for growth and development.

Do extensive market research in your industry and know where to go for help

Understanding the local landscape of your industry and where your business will fill a needed gap is crucial for a smart start. Leverage all resources for your business set up; whether connecting with a small business advisor, following online tutorials for accounting software or exploring marketing platforms, it’s important to reach out to multiple outlets for help in getting started. Talk with other small business owners about their successes and pitfalls and learn from their experiences.

Don’t underestimate the amount of work starting a business takes and don’t sink all of your capital

Conceptualising, planning and execution take a lot of time and effort when developing a new business. Be honest with yourself about what you can and can’t do, and be prepared to make necessary changes to ensure your business succeeds. Don’t immediately spend your money on elaborate marketing or development campaigns – start with one initiative or focus and let your business grow from there.

Nationwide Super is here to provide the best products and advice to make small business owners’ lives easier. Contact us to learn more about how we can help.